Organised in the frame of FISA 2022 - EURADWASTE '22 Conference
European Nuclear Society Young Generation Network workshop co-organised by Thomas Thor and ENEN.
A Career in Nuclear – Get ready!
As a kick-off to the B2B sessions, YGN proposes a workshop “Are you ready for the international job market?”
Time/Date: Tuesday 31st May 2022 – 2-4pm, Lyon
Location: FISA 2022 & EURADWASTE ’22
Attendees – young professionals with 1-10 years of experience in the industry/research
Workshop overview:
The session will be a joint insight of Thomas Thor Associates – recruitment consulting and young professionals who took a chance to start international careers in different sectors of nuclear science and industry.
The workshop will be enriched by the recent results of the global project measuring the attitude of young people towards nuclear jobs – the World Young Generation Nuclear Thermometer.
The aim of the workshop is to provide attendees with information and practical advice that they can use to understand and access the international job market.
Join us and ask everything you always wanted to know about a career in nuclear!
Moderators: Callum Thomas, Thomas Thor and Andrea Kozlowski, ENS-YGN
Introduction (15 minutes):
- Introduction of facilitators with short testimonials of their career path
- Recap on purpose and objectives of the workshop
- Summary of agenda
Session 1 – Understanding your own motivations & priorities (30 minutes)
Introduction, and then working in pairs to ask each other questions and create a picture of what each of you are looking for (example questions will be provided in the introduction)
Session 2 – Mapping your motivations & priorities to opportunities in the international job market (30 minutes)
Introduction, and then working in the same pairs again to create an outline of which countries, organisations and projects match each person’s capabilities, motivations and priorities
Session 3 – Tools and techniques for successful international careers (30 minutes)
- Information sources that can help you gather relevant information
- How to find and work with mentors and sponsors
- Network building
- Getting involved in areas of interest and building your personal brand
Summary and Close – (10 minutes)
A recap on what has been covered and suggestions for follow up and next steps
Further information is available HERE and HERE
Papers for the conference can be submitted via THIS WEBSITE