GEN IV International Forum

The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) is an international framework for co-operation in research and development for the next generation of nuclear energy systems, which was initially founded with the signing of the GIF Charter by Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, Republic of Korea, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States in July 2001. This Charter was also signed by Switzerland in 2002, Euratom in 2003, the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation in 2006.
In July 2011, the thirteen members agreed to sign an extension of the Charter signalling the wish to continue to co-operate in the research and development of Generation IV. On 22 June 2016 Australia signed the Charter, thus becoming the 14th member.
The development of concepts for one or more Generation IV nuclear energy systems that can be licensed, constructed, and operated in a manner that will provide a competitively priced and reliable supply of energy to the country where such systems are deployed, while satisfactorily addressing nuclear safety, waste, proliferation and public perception concerns.
The Generation IV International Forum will seek to:
- Identify potential areas of multilateral collaborations on Generation IV nuclear energy systems,
- Foster collaborative R&D projects,
- Establish guidelines for the collaborations and reporting of their results,
- Regularly review the progress and make recommendations on the direction of collaborative R&D projects,
- Establish and regularly review an inventory of the potential areas of needed research, and
- Conduct such other activities to advance achievement of the GIF’s objective as the Members may jointly determine.
The GIF Education and Training Task Force is organising:
- Conferences and Schools
- Workshops; like the Molten Salt Reactor Workshop and the Advanced Simulation Workshop (training materials are available from both actions).
- PhD theses; on Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR), Lead Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR), Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), Sodium-cooled fast reactor system (SFR), Supercritical-Water cooled Reactor (SCWR) and Very-High-Temperature Reactor (VHTR).
- A great series of webinars featuring speakers from around the world, explaining why GEN IV reactor systems are crucial for the sustainability of the nuclear fuel cycle. The webinar series will be launched with a presentation by former GIF Chair John Kelly on “Atoms for Peace – the Next Generation” and will be followed by monthly webinars until September 2017.