Fuel Recycle and Experimentally Demonstrated Manufacturing of Advanced Nuclear Solutions for Safety


FREDMANS aims to increase safety and efficiency in both nuclear power production as well as the recycling of spent fuel.

Changing from oxide fuel to a more fissile-dense material with higher thermal conductivity can enhance both safety of operation and the economic impact of nuclear power.

At the same time, a transition to a greener society with respect to both the generation and usage of electricity will drastically increase the consumption of finite materials.

Generation is predicted to increase by 16-20 times, in particular as electrification replaces the direct use of fossil fuels for heating and transportation.

The nuclear industry can mitigate its part of the resource use through the recycling of spent nuclear fuel. This can enhance the actual power output by about 20 times. However, today there has been no full industrial
demonstration of the complete recycling of nuclear fuel, although one-time recycling, including plutonium, has been used on a large scale for many years e.g. in France.

The model fuel is nitride fuel. It may be more energy efficient/economically advantageous to recycle not only the fissile material, but also the required isotopically enriched N-15 that is otherwise currently a costly raw material.

We will prove that advanced fuels are a viable option for industrial use that can enhance the safety, sustainability and economics of nuclear power operation.
The work packages are:

  • Advanced Manufacturing,
  • Recyclability,
  • Waste Management,
  • Industrial Applications

Across all these WPs, the crucial aspect of safety is held in high focus.

As the real safety of future nuclear systems is achieved through well-educated people, an extensive Training & Education work package is included.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.”

Organization of the Work

WP1 – Manufacturing Methods

WP2 – Recyclability

WP3 – Waste Management Methods

WP4 – Industrial application

WP5 – Education and Training

WP6 – Project Management



DELIVERABLE D5.1 – Initial Training Programme

DELIVERABLE D6.4 – Data Management Plan

DELIVERABLE D6.6 – Communication Package

FREDMANS has a dedicated Travel Fund!

This means that during the project, several Travel fund calls will be open, to enable trainees to sharpen their nuclear knowledge.

List of criteria for trainees’ selection:

General criteria listed below in decreasing order of importance will be considered in the evaluation of the applications:

  1. Compliance of the request with the objectives of the FREDMANS project (for training events outside the FREDMANS project).
  2. Existing background and experience in the scope of the course
  3. Training motivation, benefits, and impact of the mobility action on the nuclear career of the applicant.
  4. Benefits for the EU workforce
  5. Proposed timeline and feasibility of the work plan and the requested duration of the mobility action (for training events outside the FREDMANS project).

Only complete applications will be considered.

Reasons for rejection will NOT be disclosed

Selected candidates shall represent an added value for the EU workforce.

A preliminary list of offered training can be found HERE

The list is subject to changes along the FREDMANS project duration

In order to APPLY for courses


18-04-2023  FIRST CALL OUT NOW !!! Training Session on Nuclear Fuel is open for applications !!!




The Course starts on Monday, September 25, 10:00 a.m. with training on nuclear fuels for Gen IV, in particular for the LFR  technology and will continue with the theoretical and practical aspects of nuclear fuels fabrication until Friday,  September 29 at 1:00 pm.

Therefore it is considered a 5-day Training Session.

There are no preliminary things to be done prior to the course. A laptop is enough for the needs of the training.
As mentioned in the program, there are visits foreseen at the Hot Cells facilities, the Nuclear Fuel Laboratory, and the Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Plant, which require only appropriate footwear (no heels). You will receive the necessary protective equipment at each place visited.

The venue is located in Mioveni town and the closest city is Pitesti. The nearest airport is Henri Coanda – Bucharest, and the most convenient transfer to Pitesti is by train.

The transfer to the training venue (Institute for Nuclear Research (Mioveni town, 23 Km from Pitesti) will be provided by our institute:

–  departure places are Hotel Arges and Hotel Ramada.

–  departure time will be announced in the Course Agenda.

For accommodation, Hotel Arges (around 60 euros/night), located in the center of Pitesti is recommended. Other hotels with similar rates, also close to the city center, are Victoria and Yaki.

FREDMANS KoM : 1-2 September 2022, Verberg (Sweden)

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