PhD E&P Year 2018
The 12th ENEN PhD Prize & Event took place in the framework of the NENE 2018 Conference in Portoroz, Slovenia, on 11- 12 September 2018
The 3 Winners of the ENEN PhD Event & Prize 2018 are:
- Davide Pizzocri: “Modelling and assessment of inert gas behaviour in UO2 nuclear fuel for transient analysis”
- Elisa Pirovanno: “Neutron scattering cross section measurements with a new scintillator array”
- Kevin Fernandez Cosials: “An interesting transition: from the lumped parameters to 3D containment models”
These 3 (three) awarded researchers are granted to attend to an international conference with support of the ENEN Association up to 1000 Euro (conference fee, travel, accommodation and expenses – upon receipt of justification documents) and hereby encouraged to present the result of his/her research work. The three winners were selected from the finalists according to the evaluation of the Jury based on their presentations and the work delivered within the application and the conference.
The following Finalists were selected among all the received applications, to present their research works in the Event:
- Antoni Vidal Ferràndiz: “Development of a Finite Element Method for Neutron Transport Equation Approximations”
- Andrea Bertinetti: “Self-consistent multi-physics tool for the analysis of the gyrotron cavity working conditions”
- Romain Henry: “Neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling for simulations of the Triga Mark II reactor”
- Emilio Castro Gonzalez: “Methodologies for Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analysis using Reactor Core Simulators with Application to Pressurized Water Reactors”
- Vid Merljak: “Analysis of the rod insertion method for control rod worth measurement”
- Przemysław Stanisz: “Lead cooled reactor neutronic study towards verification of nuclear data and modelling methodology for nuclear transmutations”
This year’s event was highly remarkable because of the friendly and competitive spirit of the participants where the questions between the participants raised the interest and admiration for each others’ work. A group picture was taken with all the attendants.
With this activity, ENEN aims to promote the research work of PhD students, in particular experimental works. In order to set up a bridge between PhD students and professionals in the nuclear field. The ENEN PhD Events are co-sponsored by the European Nuclear Education Network Association (ENEN), the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the organizer of the international conference.