
CINCH Talks – 2nd appointment

Nuclear and Radiochemistry related talks

Organised in the framework on the A-CINCH project, by Politecnico di Milano.

This series of “talks” are intended as in-depth looks in some of the topics approached in the MOOC: Essential radiochemistry for society.

The MOOC flyer is available for download HERE

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2nd Appointment, June 25th at 1pm UTC

Molecular Imaging and Translational Research: from Molecules to Man

Dr. Antero Abrunhosa, Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health University of Coimbra

Please fill in the participation form HERE.

The event will be broadcast via the TEAMS platform, a direct link is provided in the flyer, HERE

Moderator: Dr. Antonio Rocha Paulo, University of Lisboa



Molecular imaging has the ability to depict molecular interactions at cellular level in the human body and other living organisms. Techniques such as PET, SPECT, MR, optical imaging and photoacoustic tomography can be used to map tridimensionally biochemical and physiological processes that are of interest to study the molecular mechanisms of human diseases. Besides diagnosis, these techniques can also play a pivotal role in the development of new drugs and treatments as they can provide proof of mechanism of action, quantitative measures of biological activity and important pharmacokinetic parameters that are crucial to distinguish the drugs that work from those that will not succeed. It is therefore inherently translational and a pivotal part of the drug development process today.

In this seminar we will take a journey throughout a molecular imaging study with PET from the selection of a suitable molecular target to radioisotope and tracer development with examples in Oncology, Neurosciences and Cardiology that highlight the potential of this powerful technique for diagnosis, research and drug development applications. We will also discuss the potential created by the emerging use of “theranostics”, the combination of diagnostics and therapeutics in the same molecule, with a view to the fully personalized medicine of the future.


Here you can find a brief presentation of the speaker: