Nuclear and Radiochemistry related talks
Organised in the framework on the A-CINCH project, by Politecnico di Milano.
This series of “talks” are intended as in-depth looks in some of the topics approached in the MOOC: Essential radiochemistry for society.
The MOOC flyer is available for download HERE
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1st Appointment, April 30th at 2pm EEST
Tracking immune cells using PET
Dr. Mirkka Sarparanta, Chemistry Dept. – University of Helsinki
Moderator: Dr. Sudeed Das, Chemistry Dept. – University of Helsinki
Sensitive and quantitative nuclear imaging is a potent tool for the investigation of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes and immune checkpoints interactions in immune-oncology for improved therapy and patient selection. This webinar will review the different approaches currently employed in nuclear imaging adoptively transferred cells (e.g. chimeric antigen receptor CAR T cells) with recent examples from literature and the own work of Dr. Sarparanta.
HERE you can find a brief presentation of the speaker
Please fill in the participation form HERE.
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