In the framework of the APAL project (Advanced PTS Analysis for LTO), we are currently organizing the APAL’s advanced workshop entitled «Advanced procedures for integrity assessment of RPVs subjected to PTS loading». The event will take place online and in-person (Hotel City in Ljubljana in Slovenia) hosted by Jožef Stefan Institute on May 11th and 12th, 2023.
APAL’s final goal is to formulate a best-practice guidance for deterministic and probabilistic reactor pressure vessel (RPV) integrity assessment considering improved methodologies and also recommendations for the assessment of long-term operation (LTO) improvements, in which advanced methods assessed in the project (both deterministic and probabilistic) are described.
The workshop is thus dedicated to advanced methods for weld residual stress (WRS), warm pre-stress (WPS), thermal-hydraulic (TH) analysis, probabilistic analysis and LTO improvements on pressurized thermal shock (PTS). More information about the event and registration is available in the APAL-workshop website.