Request for Quotations for an Online Platform

Request for proposals for a Website development and maintenance service

The European Nuclear Education Network aisbl (ENEN) is launching a ‘Request for Proposals’ in order to establish a new website in the form of a highly scalable communication/IT platform. The platform has to be developed under the Project “Towards Optimized Use of Research Reactors in Europe (TOURR)”, which has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2019-2020 under grant agreement No. 945269, in which ENEN is the coordinator.

Download the request for proposal in PDF format

In order to comply with the established need of such Online Platform, this Bidding Process is established to welcome offering companies to send offers for the development and maintenance of the requested tool.



Offering companies should send an offer including: the technical description (including timings for the realization of each step), an economic proposal and a set of references of their previous works. The price should include any updates of the platform used or any updates of the components of the webpage.

The Offers have to be sent to ENEN in the following way:

  • By email addressed to: secretariat@enen.eu (including “TOURR platform offer to ENEN” in the Subject) and cc: Roberta.cirillo@enen.eu.
  • Deadline for the reception of proposals/offers: 08/01/2023.EXTENDED 14 February 2023

After this deadline, ENEN will select the winning offer according to the ‘best value for money’ policy established in the Project. Should the offers not comply with the technical specifications outlined previously or propose a too high price (mainly if it is higher than the appointed internal budget), the tender process could initially resolve in no winner. In this case, further rounds of invitations could be considered.

Once an offer is selected, a contract will be drafted between the selected company and ENEN in order to start the services if required, or, alternatively, the offer could be formally accepted and signed by ENEN.

ENEN reserves the right, in the latter case, to propose final modifications prior to signature.

To address questions related to this bidding procedure, you may contact Roberta Cirillo (Roberta.cirillo@enen.eu).