Organised as a side event to the European Radiation Protection Week 2022 (ERPW-2022), 9-14 October 2022, Estoril, Portugal
Organised in the frame of the EC-funded project TOURR, coordinated by ENEN.
TOURR is the acronym for “Towards Optimized Use of Research Reactors in Europe” project. It is a EURATOM-funded coordination action among 9 partners across the European Union (EU) out of which 6 are EU research reactors operators. It is coordinated by ENEN: European Nuclear Education Network ( the largest network in Europe for Education and Training.
The TOURR project is an answer to the challenge to assess the impact of the decreasing number of RRs, identifying future needs (including new neutron sources), in terms of education and training, technology and medical applications; draw a roadmap for the upgrade of the existing RR fleet, and a model for harmonized resource management. Another aim of the project is to evaluate the current and future need for neutron sources and for medical radioisotopes in Europe.
TOURR primary objective is to develop a strategy for RR utilisation in Europe and prepare the ground for its implementation. The ambition of TOURR project is to secure access and availability of RRs as a vital part of the European Research Area and to provide support to a stable supply of medical radioisotopes.
In the following months, a Strategy for the optimized use of European RR will be published and an online platform will be built to allow achieving this optimization.
TOURR webpage under the ENEN website:
TOURR project website :
At this stage, the target is to start drafting the “RR utilization Optimization Strategy”.
In order to do so in the best way possible, we wish to collect the end-users input in terms of needs from the medical radioisotopes producers. Our end users are represented (among others) by: medical physicists and radiation protection experts. They are the most suitable communities to provide TOURR with useful insights on how to optimize the RR resources when it comes to medical applications.
The idea behind the workshop is to make the TOURR project known, to present a very preliminary draft of the ‘Optimization Strategy’ (most likely in the form of a SWOT analysis) and ask the present attendees to give their suggestions, express their wishes, share their ideas and recommendation that according to them should ideally be added in the report.
“The TOURR project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2019-2020 under grant agreement No 945 269″
Further info and link to the ERPW2022 HERE
Workshops are HERE
DRAFT AGENDA available for download HERE