Radiation Protection for everyone
The conference will take place in Budapest (Hungary) 30 May – 3 June 2022
- NIR: Non-ionising radiation
- Education and training
- Medical applications
- Measurement and standardisation
- Radioecology
- Personal dosimetry
- NORM & Radon
- Radioactive waste management and geological disposal
- Radioactivity monitoring and emergency monitoring
- Regulation
- Radiobiology
- Industry & NPP
- Perspectives from ethics, social sciences and humanities
- Other radiation protection
IRPA – International Radiation Protection Association & Roland Eötvös Physical Society, Health Physics Section
- Registration and abstract submission opens: May
- Extended abstract submission deadline (oral and poster): 15 November
- Abstract acceptance notification deadline: 31 December
- Early registration and payment deadline: 15 February
- Standard registration and payment deadline: 1 May
- On-site registration: 2 May
- Full papers submission deadline: 1 May
- Full papers publication: 31 December
- IRPA 2022 Congress: 30 May – 3 June
Conference flyer available for download HERE
Visit the conference website: https://akcongress.com/irpa2022/