WP5 – E&T Infrastructures
E&T Facilities, Laboratories and Equipment
Objectives WP5
The objective of the fifth Work Package is to further develop the web based database developed in the context ofthe ENEN-RU project through the:
- Improvement of the functionality and usability of the database of E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment;
- Management of the database content:
- Update and extend (when possible) the already collected data;
- Collect and introduce information about additional facilities, laboratories and equipment.
Description of work and role of partners
- To improve the design of the database developed in the context of the ENEN-RU WP5 by:
- The enhancement of the search functions through the introduction of more filters.
- The extension and implementation of better output capabilities.
- The increase of data input friendliness for the user.
- The addition of new database record types if needed.
- The introduction of a detailed help feature.
- The consideration of user feedback and specific input from other WPs and potential external users.
- The review of the information already existing in the database and update it if necessary
- The acquisition and input into the database of further information on E&T facilities, laboratories and equipmentfrom EU and Russia – in view of future international collaboration within the framework to be established byENEN-RU II
- The promotion of the use of the database not only by project partners but also by other stakeholders fromthe nuclear field. Additionally, to encourage the active involvement of database users in adding and updatingrelevant information in order to improve the quality of the data. These also offer, to some extent the possibility, ofdisseminating project achievements.
- To prepare a report containing a description of the upgraded database and a detailed user manual
- To complement the existing NEA database with all the facilities of nuclear training in the OCDE countries (byadding new entries in the NEA existing database, with the information gathered from project partner countries)
Description of deliverables
D5.51) Introduction of the ENEN-RU database and planning for further developments during the ENEN-RU IIproject: Introduction of the ENEN-RU database and planning for further developments during the ENEN-RU IIproject [month 6]
D5.52) E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment database V.1.: E&T facilities, laboratories and equipmentdatabase V.1. [month 24]
D5.53) E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment database, final version, including the details of the new entriesadded to the NEA database: E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment database, final version, including thedetails of the new entries added to the NEA database [month 36]
D5.54) Report on the E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment database and user manual: Report on the E&Tfacilities, laboratories and equipment database and user manual [month 36]