This project receives funding from the EURATOM Research and Training programme, 4 years under grant agreement N° 661910.

The present situation of nuclear energy in Europe asks for a continuing effort in the field of Education and Training (E&T) aimed to assure qualified workforce in the next decades.

ANNETTE aims at enhancing the Europe-wide efforts initiated in the past decades by different organisations belonging to academia, research centres and industry to maintain and develop education and training in the different nuclear areas. The main aim of this action is to consolidate and better exploit the achievements already reached in the past and to tackle the present challenges in preparing the European workforce in the different nuclear areas, with special attention to continuous professional development, life-long learning and cross border mobility.

The European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN), as coordinator of the project, together with the other participants, is committed to perform coordination and support actions coherent with the SET Plan Roadmap for Education and Training for the nuclear sector, tightening the links between the areas of nuclear safety/engineering, radiation protection, waste management and geological disposal at the same time, by better coordinating their contributions in the E&T fields. The transition from science to technology occurring in the fusion research environment justifies an additional effort to tighten the links with FuseNet, thus integrating the E&T effort on the fission side with common actions related to fusion.

Links with the SNE-TP, IGD-TP and MELODI platforms, with EHRO-N, NUGENIA and other bodies interested in maintaining or developing the nuclear (fission / fusion) workforce throughout Europe (ENSREG, HERCA, WENRA, ENEF, FORATOM, EuroFusion, FIIF 1 etc.) are forseen in Europe.

All public deliverables are available for download HERE


N° Participant organization name Short name Country
1 European Nuclear Education Network ENEN France
2 CEA – Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires CEA-INSTN France
3 Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN Belgium
4 Technical University of Catalonia – Barcelona Tech UPC Spain
7 Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Tecnologica Nucleare CIRTEN Italy
8 Jozef Stefan Institute JSI Slovenia
9 Aalto University AALTO Finland
10 Uppsala University UU Sweden
11 Joint Research Centre JRC Belgium
12 FuseNet Association FUSENET Netherlands
13 Bundesamt fĂĽr Strahlenschutz BfS Germany
14 Czech Technical University CVUT Czech Republic
15 Horia Hulubei’ National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering HH-IFIN Romania
16 Forschungszentrum JĂĽlich GmbH JUELICH Germany
17 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT Germany
18 Université Catholique de Louvain UCL Belgium
19 Université de Lorraine UL France
20 University of Manchester UMAN United Kingdom
21 UniversitĂ  di Pavia UNIPV Italy
22 Universidad Politecnica de Madrid UPM Spain
23 University of Centre Lancashire UCLAN United Kingdom
24 Universidad Nacional de EducaciĂłn a Distancia UNED Spain
25 National Skills Academy for Nuclear Ltd NSAN United Kingdom


  • ANNETTE 3rd Project Progress Meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium on 13-14 December 2018.

  • ANNETTE 2nd Project Progress Meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium on 15-16 February 2018.

  • The ANNETTE WP1: Survey and coordination of networking in nuclear E&T and VET in the nuclear areas.

Launched and completed during 2017.
The objective of this survey was to identify efficient networking mechanisms in order to favor coordination, synergies and “cross-pollination” of E&T and VET initiatives among the nuclear safety/engineering, the radiation protection and the waste management and geological disposal communities, and E&T domains beyond these fields. The survey comprised questions on course organisers/providers, academic and vocational education, certification and credit system and networking/coordination.

  • ANNETTE 1st Project Progress Meeting held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16-17 February 2017.

  • Workshop in NESTet 2016 Conference, in Berlin, Germany, on 22 – 26 May 2016.

On 25 May 2016, an ANNETTE workshop dedicated to efforts to better network in Europe and improve the efficiency in the work of E&T in the Nuclear fields.
The NESTet conference is dedicated to networking in nuclear education and training across the fields of engineering, science and technology. Exchange of information on available expertise, capacity, infrastructure and needs, together with networking and collaboration between all stakeholders involved is crucial for the development of an efficient education and training system that is able to provide adequately skilled workforce for a dynamically evolving sector.




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