ENEN Restructuring
International non-profit association, AISBL, established under the Belgian law.
International legal restructuring of ENEN
The European Nuclear Education Network completed its international legal reestructuring, transferring all its activities to Belgium, to the new entity of ENEN aisbl (aisbl = “Association internationale sans but lucrative”, in English “International Non-Profit Organization”). ENEN is now registered at 11 Rue D’Egmont, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
This legal reestructuring was made possible with the unanimous decision of the members of the association, taken during the consecutive celebration of the extraordinary general assemblies of both associations: the ENEN Association in France, and the ENEN aisbl association in Belgium, on 28 September 2018. This decision concluded the 18 months of preparatory works carried out by the management and leadership of the association, supported by the expert legal teams from France and Belgium.
As a result:
- The ENEN Association (France):
- Transfered all activities, assets and liabilities to ENEN aisbl (Belgium).
- The ENEN Association in France was dissolved.
- ENEN aisbl (Belgium):
- Accepted all activities, assets and liabilities contributed to by ENEN Association (France).
- Accepted all activities, assets and liabilities contributed to by ENEN Association (France).
ENEN General Assembly events on 28 September 2018 in Brussels:

Prof. Leon Cizelj, president of ENEN, thanked the members of the Board of Directors and all the ENEN members for the outstanding efforts carried out to making this demanding transition a great success.