Within the ARIEL project (H2020 ARIEL EU project (ariel-h2020.eu) the Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) in Mainz will organize a Lab Course in Reactor Operation and Nuclear Chemistry to be held November 19-24, 2023 at the TRIGA Mainz research reactor of JGU.
The course is open for advanced Master’s students, PhD students and Post-Docs working in the field of chemistry, physics, nuclear engineering and related areas.
The participants will learn how to operate the TRIGA Mainz research reactor in steady state as well as in pulsed mode and study the effect of Cd-samples on the reactivity. In short-term irradiation of an Os-sample and subsequent gamma-spectroscopical analysis low-lying rotational bands in Os-190m are studied. Furthermore, ß-delayed neutron measurements using He-3 counting tubes are planned. For this, samples of U-235 and Th-232 are irradiated with and without Cd-shielding. In the Nuclear Chemistry part of the course, the participants will repeat the classical experiment of Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann that led to the discovery of nuclear fission.
The experimental programme will be accompanied by a series of lectures about the discovery of nuclear fission, applications of research reactors for science and industry and the operation and the special design features of TRIGA reactors. Furthermore, a lecture about the OKLO-reactor is planned.
The registration fee, travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the H2020 ARIEL Project (www.ariel-h2020.eu).
Registration is now open. Please register before September 15, 2023 @https://indico.cern.ch/e/TRIGALabCourse
Poster available for download, HERE