ENEN Working Areas

The General Assembly of ENEN sets up the Working Areas for the implementation of its actions.

Every year, on the proposal of the Board, the General Assembly approves a list of actions to be performed during the coming year, as well as the list of persons in charge.

There are 5 possible Working Areas but others may be constituted:

  • Teaching Academic Affairs Area (TAAA)
  • Advanced Courses and Research Area (ACRA)
  • Training and Industrial Project Area (TIPA)
  • Quality Assurance Area (QAA)
  • Knowledge Management Area (KMA)

For each Working Area, a Coordinator is selected. The Coordinator reports to the Board and the General Assembly.

The Board, together with the Executive Director, monitors the activities of the Working Groups.

A new Working Group may be established provisionally, with approval by the Board, till the next General Assembly in case there are strong needs to establish it. It is established formally by the General Assembly.

The Coordinator of working Areas, the Leaders and the members of the Working Groups are appointed as individuals belonging to the ENEN Members, the Partners of the Memoranda of Understanding and the Management.


ENEN Management Area (EMA)

The objective of the Area is to manage the cross-cutting issues over the ENEN Association.

It encompasses the following Working Groups:

International Relations and projects

  • ENEN-RU (suspended)
    • Joint WG between ENEN and Russian partners
    • Joint WG between ENEN and Ukrainian partners
    • Joint WG between ENEN and Japanese partners
  • EKTM Activities
    • Cooperation Strategy
    • Investigate ways to favour exchanges among ENEN members
    • Evaluate opportunities in calls such as ERASMUS, ERASMUS+, EACEA, EUKOR
    • Potential new collaborations
    • Joint WG between ENEN and the PETRUS project Community

Interaction with platforms and stakeholders:

  • IGD-TP
  • ENEF
  • IAEA (Anent, Lanent, Afra, Nest, Insen, Vnmu)
  • GIF

Further Collaboration with industry and research centres

Teaching and Academic Affairs Area (TAAA)

The objective of the Area is to disseminate the relevant knowledge of nuclear education.

The scope of the Area is:

  • To evaluate applications for the European Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering certification;
  • To promote student and faculty exchange by encouraging and supporting the organisation of international exchange courses by ENEN members;
  • To support the organisation of high-quality nuclear related education by ENEN members;
  • To evaluate ENEN exchange courses and award the International ENEN Course label, in collaboration with the ENEN Quality Assurance Committee.

Meet the teaching and Academic Affairs Area Leader: Prof. Dr. Ing. Leon Cizelj (JSI)

Advanced Courses and Research Area (ACRA)

The objective of the Area is to enhance the organization of Advanced Courses and research activities in the nuclear field.

The scope of the Area is:

  • To provide advanced and/or specialized courses to postgraduate students, PhD students and research members in the frame of ENEN Association, or in collaboration with other associations around the world.
  • To promote the establishment of research in nuclear-related topics throughout Europe.
  • To keep connections between universities and research laboratories to the organization and/or participation in advanced research program by ENEN members.
  • To evaluate ENEN advanced courses, in collaboration with the ENEN Quality Assurance Committee.

Meet the Advanced Courses and Research Area Leader: Prof. Dr. Ing. Marco Enrico Ricotti (CIRTEN)

Marco Ricotti is full professor of Nuclear Plants at Politecnico di Milano. He owns a MSc and a PhD in Nuclear Engineering. His research activities are devoted to technology and economics of Small Modular Reactors, Generation IV reactors, nuclear for space applications.

Since 2018 he is chairing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Working Group on SMRs. Since 2016 he is the president of the italian Inter-University Consortium for Nuclear Technology Research (CIRTEN). From 2016 to 2019 he served as president of SOGIN (Italian state company in charge of decommissioning of national nuclear facilities and radioactive waste management). He has been recently appointed as chairperson of the Technical Working Group on Skills of the EU SMR Industrial Alliance.

Training and Industrial Projects Area (TIPA)

The objective of the Area is to facilitate and support collaboration between Associate and Effective members of ENEN Association.

The scope of the Area is:

  • Identify the industrial needs for continuous professional development;
  • Organize training sessions and courses on subjects of common interest for the associate members;
  • Create and maintain a catalogue of training and industrial continued professional development courses organized by the members of ENEN Association;
  • Facilitate the mobility of students and professors from different institutions and raise funds for this purpose;
  • Facilitate integration of European and National industrial research projects.

Meet the Training and Industrial Project Area Leaders: Dr. Christian Schönfelder (chair), PhD. and Štefan Čerba (co-chair) (STU)

As a physicist (PhD), his professional career in Germany took him through Interatom, then Siemens, and finally AREVA as Head of the German Training Centre, i.e. always in the nuclear industry. Since then, he has been working as a Senior Training Consultant in various nuclear education and training projects funded by the European Union.

Quality Assurance Area (QAA)

The objective of the Area is to promote the established quality policy of the ENEN Association and to maintain its quality objectives. Quality is regarded as a multidimensional concept which embraces all functions and activities of ENEN.

The scope of the Area is:

  • To serve as a working group for the ENEN management on various quality issues related to policy making, setting objectives, identification and development of systems, processes, efficiency and continual improvement.
  • To further ENEN documentation on its activities including quality manuals, quality plans, specifications, guidelines, instructions, website and records
  • To evaluate applications of new effective memberships of ENEN and to provide support of quality reviews of ENEN members;
  • To support the organisation of high-quality nuclear related education by ENEN members in collaboration with the ENEN Teaching and Academic Affairs Committee;
  • To evaluate ENEN exchange courses and award the International ENEN Course label, in collaboration with the ENEN Teaching and Academic Affairs Committee;
  • To support other quality assessment tasks and products as assigned by the ENEN board.

Meet the Quality Assurance Area Leader: Prof. Ing. Radek Škoda (UWB Pilsen)

Knowledge Management Area (KMA)

The objective of the Area is to identify and monitor deficiencies in scientific knowledge relevant to nuclear technology and safety.

The scope of the Area is:

  • To prepare, maintain and implement an action plan by academia in order to preserve valuable scientific knowledge;
  • To ensure efficient use of ICT for the dissemination of knowledge, for supporting teaching and learning, and for accessing and maintaining databases;
  • To provide access to simulators and specialized software;
  • To publish books, and produce CDs and DVDs of interest to ENEN members.

Meet the Knowledge Management Area. Leader: Dr. Ing. Vincent Minier (INSTN)

Vincent Minier (PhD) is currently Head of education, training and innovation Department at INSTN / CEA and senior expert in knowledge management at CEA. Along his career, in science and education, he has been inspired by the transmission of knowledge and their editorialisation through innovative training and digital experiences.