The Section Physics of Nuclear Reactors (Department of Radiation, Radionuclides & Reactors) of the Faculty of Applied Sciences analyses and designs innovative nuclear reactor systems to improve the safety and sustainability of nuclear energy. The scope includes the Advanced Boiling Water Reactors with natural circulation, the Super-Critical Water Reactor, High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors with a thermal and fast neutron spectrum, and Molten Salt Reactors. Advanced experimental and calculation methods are being developed and applied to this research. We aspire to keep control on the whole calculation field from evaluated nuclear data files to time-dependent reactor core calculations and neutronics coupled with thermal-hydraulics. In the field of radiation transport, the section aims at the implementation and application of new variance-reduction techniques in Monte-Carlo calculations to widen the applicability of these methods. In addition, research is being performed on ‘spin-off’ topics like dynamics of multiphase systems, two-phase flow diagnostics and medical applications.
Courses and seminars
We offer several relevant courses in the nuclear field. Specific courses (taught once every year) include:
- Nuclear Reactor Physics
- Nuclear Reactor Physics special topics
- Nuclear Technology
- Radiation shielding
- Radiological Health Physics
- Reactor Physics Training (practical)
The other sections within the department also offer courses in the field of radiation science (see the pages of the respective scientific sections for specifics). As the expertise center in The Netherlands, the department further offers radio protection courses of all levels in Dutch and English.
Open PhD projects
Talented students are encouraged to contact us even if there are no vacancies of your interest. For information on open positions in other sections of the Department of Radiation, Radionuclides & Reactors see the vacancies pages of the various scientific sections.