ISTP was created in 1991 to answer a new need of engineers, complementary to the existing classical engineer’s profile.

Based on the needs expressed by the industrial field, ISTP has developed an original training scheme for specific target groups: young people recruited for part-time engineer training with a work contract or experienced people in the frame of life-long learning.

All the students are employed by companies, and manage a project:

– corresponding to the master’s degree they are preparing (theme, missions, and responsibility level)

– guaranteeing a return on investment for the partner company.

ISTP has developed original educational approaches to facilitate the skills development, the skills evaluation, the evolution of a person in the company.

These approaches are based on:

– identifying the needs in the industrial field and the job’s evolutions,

– tutoring the students,

– developing a progress project within the company,

– developing excellence areas within the project managed by the students,

– facilitating the transfer of technology from higher education to industry.

The results obtained during the hands-on training are as much important as the academic results to get graduated.

ISTP is supported by a French famous “grande école”, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, which graduates the engineer’s diploma (master’s degree) at the end of the on-the-job engineer training.

Today, in partnership with Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, ISTP offers two different engineer trainings and degrees:

– Engineer graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, specialized in Industrial Engineering, awarding the Master’s degree,

– Engineer graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, specialized in Nuclear Engineering, in partnership with INSTN, awarding the Master’s degree.

The engineer in nuclear engineering prepares, manages and closes projects of plant construction, maintenance or decommissioning in the nuclear field.

He/she works in the following fields of activity: energy production, development and processing of nuclear materials (nuclear fuel cycle), processing and disposal of dangerous and non-dangerous wastes, cleaning up and other services of waste management, building and dismantling of nuclear sites.

The engineer in nuclear engineering carries out duties of: business manager, maintenance project manager, decommissioning manager, processing manager in a basic nuclear installation, engineer for nuclear power plant development, engineer responsible for radiation protection.

ISTP is certified ISO 9001:2008 for its training activities.

ISTP is involved in several projects in relation with skills, evaluation, ECVETs, Validation of Acquired Skills, tutoring, inductive pedagogy, at a national or international level. For example, ISTP piloted a 3 years long Leonardo Da Vinci transfer of innovation project about training and qualification of academic tutors.
