
President of the European Nuclear Education Network

Prof. Francisco Javier Elorza Tenreiro

Francisco Javier Elorza Tenreiro obtained the title of Mining Engineer, Energy track, at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in 1981. He obtained the title of Doctor of Mining Engineer at the UPM in 1985.

He was Associated Professor in the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Dept. of UPM from 1997 to 2008. Since November 2008 he is Full Professor in the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering of the UPM. Since 2021 he is Director of the ETSI of Mines and Energy of the UPM.

He has been principal investigator in more than 20 competitive research and educational projects (regional, national, EU, UNESCO and World Bank projects; i.e.: SARENA Erasmus Mundus Master) From 1986 he has participated in more than 40 research projects related with Nuclear Waste Management and Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning.

He has supervised 14 doctoral theses. Author or co-author of more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, more than 20 books and book chapters and more than 200 communications at national or international scientific conferences. He has participated in numerous scientific committees (MECD, CICYT, ANEP, EU, CNRS (France), ENEN (Belgium)).

President of the ENEN Association from March 2024. He is a member of the Science and Technology Council of the Community of Madrid (Spain). He has been president of the Spanish Group of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (AIH-GE) (2009-2012). Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of IGME (Geological Bureau of Spain) in 2021.


Executive Director

Dr. Gabriel Lazaro Pavel

Nuclear Engineer, PhD.
Executive Director of the European Nuclear Education Network AISBL (Belgium).

The European Nuclear Education Network contributes to the society in the preservation and further development of the scientific expertise in the nuclear fields through nuclear Education and Training.

European Nuclear Education Network, through its partners, are currently providing education and training expertise on: radiation protection, nuclear energy, nuclear medicine, nuclear waste management and geological disposal, industrial and agricultural applications, and finally safe nuclear decommisssioning.

At our core, the ENEN Association aims for the for the safest and most advanced Nuclear science, knowledge and technology in the benefit of humankind.

The ENEN fosters the availability of nuclear knowledge and skills for European engineers and scientists, and promotes the fundamental and applied research.

The ENEN network is the result of the co-operation between universities, research organizations, technical support organizations, regulatory bodies and the nuclear industry. Together we work to preserve and develop the nuclear human capital capacity in Europe.

My believe is that together we can support nuclear science in bringing a greener future for Europe and for the rest of the World. Nuclear science should play its key role in providing a cleaner environment and this can be achieved through common effort made by scientists, researchers, educators. European Nuclear Education Network’s members, in collaboration with the rest of the international community  will contribute to enable and foster our most gifted young people to participate in the solution of the worlds’ big challenges.

Gabriel Lazaro Pavel

Executive Director
European Nuclear Education Network


Since March 2024, the Board of Governors of ENEN is composed by the representatives of ENEN members who are elected by the General Assembly.
Board of Directors of the European Nuclear Education Network AISBL since 2024 is:



Chantho CREZE Director Westinghouse – France
Karen DAIFUKU Director I2EN – France
Rosa LO FRANO Director CIRTEN – Italy
Michèle COECK Director SCK CEN – Belgium
Katharina LORENZ Director IST – Portugal
Xavier PERRETTE Director INSTN CEA – France
Cyril PINEL Director IRSN – France
Robert BEEKVELDT Director NRG – Netherlands
Marylène BADOUR Director IRUP – France
Stefan CERBA Director STUBA – Slovakia
Gareth LAW Director UH – Finland
Radek SKODA Director UWB – Czeck Republic

Teodora RETEGAN VOLLMER                                                             Director                                         Chalmers – Sweden

Management of the European Nuclear Education Network AISBL:

  • Dr. Gabriel Lazaro Pavel – Executive Director
  • Ms. Kateryna Piliuhina – Project Manager
  • Ms Camila Boix – Project Manager