Description of the ENEN+ Project Work
The overall strategy of the ENEN+ work plan is to build a large collaborative effort integrating resources from university, research centres, industry and international organizations such that the common results obtained will deliver effective means to support education and training in 4 major nuclear fields.
To achieve the objectives the project is divided in seven work packages (WP’s). The work packages have been shared amongst the participants so as assuring a continual development of the project works.
Attracting the interest of the secondary schools’ students on nuclear issues is the first topic of the project. The main objective is to provide these students with complete, straightforward and balanced information on nuclear energy and its applications. Indeed, there is a clear correlation between knowledge and support. Large parts of young public are still unaware of (or choose not to believe) the potential benefit of nuclear in their normal life (e.g. medical applications, reduction of carbon dioxide emission, …) and a fortiori do not consider nuclear career as an option.